Associate Professor Janya Chanchaichujit, Ph.D

Center for Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management ,

        Dr. Janya Chanchaichujit is an Associate Professor in Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Director, Center for Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management in the faculty of Environmental Management at Prince of Songkla University in Thailand. She is also an Academic Advisory Board and Research Associates at Center for Supply Chain Excellence at Middlesex University, Dubai. Prior to work at Prince of Songkhla University, she was a Director of Center for International Affairs and Head, of Logistics and Business Analytics Center of Excellence at Walailak University, Thailand. Before that, Dr. Chanchaichujit was a lecturer at Curtin University, Australia and Logistics Manager at Siam Sempermed Corporation in Thailand.

         Dr. Chanchaichujit holds a PhD in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from Curtin University in Australia, and MSc in Operational Research from the University of Hertfordshire in the UK, and a BSc in Mathematics from Mahidol University in Thailand. She also receives a Graduate Diploma and certificates in Management Science and Supply Chain Management from various institutions in USA and Japan. 

         Dr. Chanchaichujit is at the forefront of the development of operations, logistics and supply chain management research which was recognized in academic and industry. Her works has been published in leading LO&SCM international journals and she has been invited to participate in academic and industry as keynote speaker and visiting lecturer. 

          Dr. Chanchaichujit’ s research interest focuses on incorporating various aspects of operational research applications, mathematical modelling techniques, and technologies into the design and operation of green and sustainable logistics and supply chain management. 

      Apart from research and teaching, Dr. Chanchaichujit is also actively providing consulting services on technology transformation, operations management, feasibility study and business model to public and private organization varies from freight and transportation, to manufacturing, retail, agricultural and healthcare.



  • Chanchaichujit, J., Balasubramanian, S., Shukla, V., Upadhyay, A., Kumar, A. (2024), Enablers and Benefits of Supply Chain Digitalization: An Empirical Study of Thai MSMEs. In: K E K, V., Rajak, S., Kumar, V., Mor, R.S., Assayed, A (eds) Industry 4.0 Technologies: Sustainable Manufacturing Supply Chains. Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes. Springer, Singapore. (ISBN 978-981-99-4893-2, ISBN 978-981-99-4894-9 eBook)
  • Tan, A., Norida, S., Balasubramanian, S. (2022), “Essential Skills for Supply Chain Professionals in Asia”, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd, Singapore. (Chapter Contributor)
  • Chanchaichujit, J*., Tan, A. Meng, F. & Eaimkong, S. (2019). Health4.0- Next Generation Processes with the Latest Technologies. Palgrave Macmillan imprint published by Springer Nature. (ISBN 978-981-13-8113-3, ISBN 978-981-13-8114-0 eBook)
  • Chanchaichujit, J*., and Saavedra-Rosas, J. (2018). Using Simulation Tools to Model Renewable Resources: The case of the Thai Rubber Industry. Palgrave Macmillan imprint published by Springer International. (ISBN 978-3-319-55815-8, ISBN 978-3-319-55816-5 eBook)

Book Chapter

  • Chanchaichujit, J., Balasubramanian, S., Shukla, V., Upadhyay, A., Kumar, A. (2024), Enablers and Benefits of Supply Chain Digitalization: An Empirical Study of Thai MSMEs. In: K E K, V., Rajak, S., Kumar, V., Mor, R.S., Assayed, A (eds) Industry 4.0 Technologies: Sustainable Manufacturing Supply Chains. Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes. Springer, Singapore. ( (ISBN 978-981-99-4893-2, ISBN 978-981-99-4894-9 eBook))

Journal Articles

  • Sunmola, F., Burgess, P., Tan, A., Chanchaichujit, J., Balasubramanian, S. and Mahmud, M. (2023), “Prioritising Visibility Influencing Factors in Supply Chain for Resilience”. Procedia Computer Science, 217(2023), pp. 1589-1598 (DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2022.12.359)
  • Sarabdeen, J., Balasubramanian, S.,Lindsay, V., Chanchaichujit, J.* and Sreejith, S. (2023), “Employer Branding: Confirmation of a measurement model and its implication for Managing the workforce”, Journal of General Management , Vol.48 (2), pp.153-170 (DOI: 10.1177/03063070221079574)
  • Habib, MA., Balasubramanian*, S., Shukla, V., Chitakunye, D., and Chanchaichujit, J. (2022). “Practices and performance outcomes of green supply chain management initiatives in the garment industry”, Management of Environmental Quality, vol 33 (4),pp 882-912
  • Sarabdeen, J., Balasubramanian, S., Lindsay, V., and Chanchaichujit, J.* (Accepted for publication). “A Theoretically Derived Measurement Model for Employer Branding and its Implication in Managing Workforce”, Journal of General Management 
  • Sehgal, R., Balasubramanian, S., Sreejith, S. and Chanchaichujit, J.* (2021). “Transformational Leadership and Employee Innovation: Examining the Congruence of Leader and Follower Perceptions”, Journal of General Management, Vol.47(1), pp.18-30. (DOI: 10.1177/03063070211013337 
  • Rao, P., Balasubramanian, S., Vihari, N., Jabeen, S., Shukla, V. and Chanchaichujit, J.* (2021), “The E-commerce Supply Chain and Environmental Sustainability: An Empirical Investigation on the Online Retail Sector”, Cogent Business and Management (8)1, 1938377. (DOI:
  • Balasubramanian, S*., Shukla, V., Mangla, S., and Chanchaichujit, J. (2021), “Do firm characteristics affect environmental sustainability?: A literature review -based assessment”, Business Strategy and The Environment, Vol,30, Iss.2, pp. 1389-1416. (DOI: 
  • Chamchang, P.* and Chanchaichujit,J. (2020), “Performance analysis in managing truck handling export cargo at Suvarnabhumi airport free zone using a simulation model. Journal of Business, Economics and Communications 15(2), 27-42. ( Journal/article/view/213455.
  • Chanchaichujit, J.*, Balasubramanian, S. & Ng. C. (2020). A systematic literature review on the benefit-drivers of RFID implementation in supply chains and its impact on organizational competitive advantage. Cogent Business & Management, 7:1, 1818408 (DOI: 
  • Chanchaichujit, J.*, Balasubramanian, S. & Shukla, V. (2020). Multi-objective Decision Model for Green Supply Chain Management. Cogent Business & Management, 7:1,1783177 (DOI: 
  • Balasubramanian, S*., Shukla, V. & Chanchaichujit, J. (2020). Firm Size implications for environmental sustainability of supply chains: Evidence from the UAE”. Management of Environmental Quality, Vol.31, Iss.5, pp.1375-1406 (DOI: 
  • Chanchaichujit, J*., Pham Q.C. & Tan, A. (2019). Sustainable Supply Chain
  • Management: A literature review of recent mathematical modelling approaches. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Vol.33, No.4, pp 467-496. (DOI: 
  • Chanchaichujit, J*., Saavedra-Rosas, J. & Kaur, A. (2017). Analyzing impact of restructuring transportation, production and distribution on costs and environment– A case from the Thai Rubber industry”, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, Vol.20, Iss.3 pp: 237-253. (DOI: 
  • Tan, A., and Chanchaichujit, J*. (2016). A Decision-Making Framework for Reverse Logistics Network Design. MIT Global Scale Network, Online, Iss.16-05, pp: 1-14.
  • Chanchaichujit, J.*, Saavedra-Rosas, J., Quaddus, M.A., West, M. & Saavedra-Rosas (2016). The use of an optimisation model to design a green supply chain: A Case Study of the Thai rubber industry. International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol.27, Iss.2. pp: 595-618. ( 
  • Chanchaichujit, J*., Quaddus, M.A., West, M., & Saavedra-Rosas, J. (2012). An optimization-based decision support model for Thai Rubber industry supply chain. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.